Wednesday, October 17, 2007

oct 16

o.k., im going back to the doctor again today. i have to get more fluid drained out. im hoping this is the last time. my goal is to be able to train some light legs in the beginning of next week. i cant train anything until this swelling goes down. i can finally shower on my own, but putting on deodorant requires a little help from nicole. being helpless sucks. im definitely feeling much better today then i was monday, i just cant wait to be off the antibiotics. the antibiotics are messing my stomach up, making me tired, my joints feel weird and i've been very dehydrated. friday im done with them. im going down to see dave palumbo this weekend to map out a serious off season game plan. i cant wait, i love having a plan. im very anal about certain things, i never follow a workout routine, but i have to have a plan with everything else i do. dave is the man when it comes to programs and nutrition, he is the only guy i listen to. if i cant figure something out, i know dave can. all right, its time for me to get moving, wish me luck at the doctor!

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