Sunday, October 14, 2007

oct 14

whats going on everyone. its sunday, my day for total relaxation and football! not that i need relaxation at this point, its been 5 days that i have been stuck immobilized in the house. i really cant wait to get back in the gym. hopefully in about 9 days or so i can start moving some light weight. i am very independent and having to rely on others for things is not my style. there's alot i cant do right now and i feel a bit helpless at times. for a guy like me, this can be very depressing. i am very fortunate to have nurse nicole here to take care of me! she is the best, i dont know what id do without her. last might she made some awesome beef stew, im trying to keep the food coming in so i dont shrink to much! my appetite is down a bit, but i have been getting at least 3 ISOLYZE shakes in a day. ISOLYZE is very convenient for me, it doesnt bloat me at all, so even though my appetite is down i can still get the high quality protein i need! if anyone is interested in trying ISOLYZE, just go to tomorrow i go back to the doctor to see if i need to have anymore blood drained! keep your fingers crossed for me, because i do not want to do that again!. have a great sunday, ill be back tomorrow.

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