Wednesday, November 21, 2007

nov 21

trained chest pretty hard yesterday. 4 sets of flat barbell bench press, 3 sets incline dumbell press, 3 sets of incline flys, 3 sets of hammer strength incline, and 3 high rep sets of peck deck just to finnish it off. pump was pretty good, but my strength is way pretty sore today, but not as sore as i thought i was going to be. im going to train back today so i can have thanksgiving off. its to much of a pain to train on thanksgiving when u have to travel. im sure the roads are going to be a nitemare today, and my partner cant train until 4 so im sure ill be stuck in traffic at one point. i think im going to go out for a little while tonote to see some of my buddies that i havent hung out with in a while, it should be interesting because everyone and his brother will be out tonite. ill keep you all posted.

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