Thursday, June 12, 2008

june 12

Diet and workouts are going great!! I did some pause squats on Monday to really kill my glutes. A pause squat is a tricky advanced technique I like to use from time to time. Lower yourself all the way down to the seated position, where if you went any farther, you'd hit the floor. From this position, you hold yourself for a solid 1-2 seconds without moving. Finally you drive your heals into the floor and explode to the top. Its a power lifting technique, but can be used to really blast your glutes! Tuesday I did chest, and I may have over trained, I was in a zone and lost track of what I was doing. I am still very sore! Yesterday I took advantage of my day off and relaxed by the pool. Today I'm gearing up for a heavy back workout. My body is changing alot already, its very exciting! Current body weight 254.

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