Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Well, Saturday was the start of Connecticut's future in bodybuilding. We have a great committee put together, headed by the Montanari Bros! Our first show was a success. The crowd was about 3/4 of the way full, and we had about 30 competitors. My boy Kenny Wallach came away with Numerous first place trophies, and My friend Jen Smythe won her class in figure. Big Evan Centopani was the guest poser and at 300lbs lean, everyone went nuts when he stomped across the stage! I had a great time watching the show and meeting new people. I had the Pleasure of Meeting the Best Power lifter in the world, Donnie Thompson. What a bad ass! This guy is a little taller than me and ways 375 lbs! Not only is this guy huge, but he is hilarious to talk to and very intelligent. Donnie is looking to Improve on his word record total of 2,850 lbs in November!
The next show will be in a few months, I will keep you all posted, big things are coming in CT!

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