Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Future of PJ....?

Well nationals has come and gone and for those of you not very close to me or not on the bodybuilding chat boards or face book, I did not win. I placed 9th. I was in the best shape of my life and I looked AWESOME! For some reason I got overlooked. It happens sometimes. I do not feel I should have won. Fred Smalls was the true winner and I am happy for him, however I do feel I should have gotten compared with the top 5 and I had a bitter taste in my mouth after the show since I wasn't. I am over it now and have moved on.
I am very fortunate to have such a supportive family, not only do my parents love what I do, but my grandparents and Step grandparents support me like crazy too! Its really special to have my family in my corner!
I also have a really great group of friends. So many actually. I can say with all honesty if you treat people the way you want to be treated it comes back to you ten fold. I have awesome friends who take good care of me!
After the show I did a kick ass shoot with Juan Morel for MUSCLEMAG. I will be sure to post when it comes out!
I took the week after the show to totally relax and eat like a slob. I really poured everything I had into this and needed some time away from the gym. Taking a week off is strange for me and I have a new fire now that I am back into the gym!!
So what does the future hold? Considering I was next to death making the heavyweight cutoff there is no chance I can ever compete in that class again. I have decided to take a step back from the top of the game to focus on the Junior Nationals in June. I want to establish myself as a new and Improved BIGGER version of myself in the super heavyweights and I feel that I should go to Juniors first so the Judges can get a good look at my transformation. From there I will decide what to do next.


Unknown said...

Sorry about your 9th place finish PJ. I know you worked hard leading up to the nationals. Definitely great to have a supportive family! Good luck in the Junior Nationals in June! Keep training hard.

PJ Braun said...

Thank you very much!!!