Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tired of being TIRED!!

I have been so tired lately. I am actually sleeping a bit better...THANK GOD...but still so exhausted. My workouts are suffering slightly but I am listening to my body and giving all I have. If I have to back off the volume I will, but I push myself hard. I cant get hurt this close to a show. I honestly cant remember feeling this tired this far out. Inside of 4 weeks so I can handle the suffering but its strange. Whats the most strange is that I am not hungry at all! Just tired. I am trying to get all the rest I can.

I had a great time guest posing on Saturday Nite despite how exhausted I was. For those of you who couldn't see it, the video is up on www.rxmuscle.com as well as my facebook page.
I have now decided to see if I can make the journey down to heavyweight. After discussing things with people I respect a lot, many feel I will be unbeatable if I can make that weight and then fill back out again. So the push for 225 has begun! This morning my weight was 239.

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