Monday, September 8, 2008

Busy weekend!!!

I had a very busy weekend! Very Exhausting. Friday nite I was at a wedding for Nicole's cousin Brendan. Weddings are a lot of fun when you are a week out from a show and cant eat or drink anything! There even more fun when you know about 3 people that are attending! I didn't get home from the wedding until about 1 in the morning then I was up at 8 to do cardio and in the gym by 10 to murder my legs! Saturday nite I attended the Team Universe in NYC. It was a good time, I presented the trophy to the women's overall bodybuilding champion and got a thumbs up from Dave on how I look for this show. I didn't get home from the city until after 2 in the morning and then I was up at 8 to get on the treadmill. No training on Sunday so I parked my but on the couch for the season opener of J-E-T-S JETS, JETS,JETS!!!!! The Brett Favre era has begun in NY and I couldn't be more excited. My all time favorite player playing on my favorite team. I watched the MTV Video Music Awards last nite and found the British guy who hosted to be the most obnoxious person I have ever had to listen to! I thought the VMA's totally sucked this year and I really don't understand the craze over the Jonas Bro's. Just my 2 cents!

1 comment:

Stancke said...

Hey PJ, I really enjoy reading your blog! Nice that you share your experience with bodybuilding fans.

You already passed a couple of times on my blog,,it's the biggest site with bodybuildingnews written in the Dutch language.

I wish you all the succes you need in your bodybuilding career and with your age of 28 you still have the best years ahead!

Good luck!