Monday, February 28, 2011

march 1

Told ya I was gonna be consistent!
Training has been going great. Had a kick ass leg workout today. Got under 500lbs on the squat for the first time since last spring and it felt fine. I only did 4 reps, but I had more and I didn't want to get crazy since I have only been at 405 for a couple weeks. Feels good to move some heavy weight and I don't stop till my ass hits the floor. 2 more busy days of work and then I'm off to the Arnold! Cant wait.

This past Saturday I did a store Grand Re-Opening in Scranton PA. I had a great time and met some really cool people. They had a really neat ultrasound machine that tested body fat. I let them do mine....7.o% pretty pleased considering all I have been going through. That's all for now.

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