Sunday, May 11, 2008


Yesterday was the NY Pro. For those of you who don't know, SPECIES was one of the main sponsors. The booth was Huge and a bunch of Species athletes Including Nicole Vitale, IFBB pro Bev Direnso, WNBF pro Janet Marsico, Guy Cisternino, myself and many others were all in attendance. Our booth was definitely the most popular! I want to say thank you to all my fans and new friends, you made the experience wonderful. Mayor of bodybuilding and your crew, Brian, The whole Animal crew, Young Nick Medici, and all the others, your support means alot to me!
Now on to the show! Species had quite a few athletes competing today. My Good friend Colette Nelson was close to her best, but In my opinion got over looked in the prejudging. Colette's Nite show routine(Madonna themed) was a crowd favorite, and people are still wondering how she didnt win guest poser. In the 202 and under class, there was a tight battle going on between Charles Dixon, Kevin English and David Henry. Kevin English Came away with the win and gets my vote for the comeback of the year! When it came to the Big boys Kai Greene owned everyone by a landslide! one disturbing call was Craig Richardson in 5th. Check out the contest pics and see how bad he got screwed. This guy gets overlooked more than anyone! One more note, fellow SPECIES athlete Big Eugine Mishin came in at his best ever condition. For a big guy he had great lines and symmetry!
Over all it was a long but fun day, and I got to meet a lot of cool new people. I look forward to next years show When Evan Centopani makes his Pro Debut! Hopefully I will be up there with him!

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