Friday, May 30, 2008

may 30

Today was a good day. I am already down to 268 from 274 on Monday. Everyone is saying they see a big difference allready,lol! Today I went to Dr. Mike to get some work done on my shoulder and lat. I was feeling very good when I left his office! I trained shoulders today in brookfield and managed to bang the 130lb dumbbells for a couple sets of 8, then I dropped down to 100 and cranked out 25 reps. Tomorrow is arm day, my elbow has been feeling very good, so hopefully I can push a little weight tomorrow!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

may 29

Training has gone well this week. Flat benched on Monday for the first time in a while, had no spotter but I still managed to do 315 for 15 reps. Blasted legs on Tuesday, heavy squats, and power squats! Yesterday I was down in Brooklyn, NY at 6:30 in the morning shooting in a music video for the band Army Of ME. The guys from the band were very cool, and so were all the guys an the set as well as the actors. I will keep you posted on when the video comes out, I was told mid July! I played a bodybuilder, which was a bit of a stretch, but I think I pulled it off! I sucked out 8lbs in 1 day so hopefully I look fairly tight. today I'm re hydrating and getting ready to blast my back in a couple of hours. I am switching from underhand rows to overhand rows for a while, its time for a change.

I encourage everyone to check out Army of ME, you can download there music in various places including myspace!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

may 25

This week was great overall for training. I got some treatment on wednesday from Dr. Mike, he worked on my calves which brought tears to my eyes, lol, but most of my ailments are doing pretty good. 1 more week and the diet starts, I am looking forward to it. I reached my goal of 270lbs and feel my off season was pretty productive. Even though I missed 5 weeks from my surgery, I made the most of the time I had and my body has responded pretty well!
Last nite Nicole and I went over to my buddy Jay's house for a BBQ. I pigged out on steak, a burger, King crab legs, potato salad, some brownies and even a few cupcakes. I feel pretty gross after the food I ate, good thing I'm starting my diet in a week,lol!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Brand new updates are up in the members section. Never before seen videos from the North American. Be sure to check them out!

Junior USA Recap

Well, it was a long and disappointing weekend at the Junior USA. The new judging criteria for figure worked against any one who had any muscle! They went for either very skinny or very smooth. The overall winner was very soft and really had no muscle tone. Its a shame that all the girls who busted there ass to get in great shape, were not rewarded. In the end Nicole finished a disappointing 7th. I think if they used the old criteria, she would have won her class. On a positive note, my friends Erik Ramirez, and Kris Lecomte finished 1 and 2 in the Lite Heavy Weight class. It was a close match, but Erik's conditioning was just too much! I congratulate both of them for a job well done.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


This will be my last blog until Monday next week. I am leaving in about 7 hours for Charleston, SC where my girlfriend, fellow SPECIES athlete Nicole Vitale will be trying to get a pro card. Last year Nicole took 3rd in her class at the Junior USA and hasn't competed since then do to a surgery. She has made great gains and has really nailed her conditioning. Now its simply up to the judges and who ever shows up on Saturday. From what I hear the Figure classes are at record breaking numbers, so we can expect to see 30 or more girls in each class! Say a prayer for us and keep your fingers crossed. I really put alot of thought into her diet and training program this year, and It really shows, I truly don't think she could be any better! Only time will tell!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Mothers Day

I hope everyone did something nice for there mom yesterday! I spent Mothers day with my family and my girlfriends mom. We had a nice time, ate alot of food and shared some laughs! Today I'm in the gym for legs, I'm still a bit sore from saturday, but it wont hold me back! I will only get to train through wed, then its all about Nicole. We leave for South Carolina on thurs morning! Nicole is at at her all time best, and I truly believe she will be tough to beat, but you never know what the judges are gonna want that day! Only time will tell!

Sunday, May 11, 2008


Yesterday was the NY Pro. For those of you who don't know, SPECIES was one of the main sponsors. The booth was Huge and a bunch of Species athletes Including Nicole Vitale, IFBB pro Bev Direnso, WNBF pro Janet Marsico, Guy Cisternino, myself and many others were all in attendance. Our booth was definitely the most popular! I want to say thank you to all my fans and new friends, you made the experience wonderful. Mayor of bodybuilding and your crew, Brian, The whole Animal crew, Young Nick Medici, and all the others, your support means alot to me!
Now on to the show! Species had quite a few athletes competing today. My Good friend Colette Nelson was close to her best, but In my opinion got over looked in the prejudging. Colette's Nite show routine(Madonna themed) was a crowd favorite, and people are still wondering how she didnt win guest poser. In the 202 and under class, there was a tight battle going on between Charles Dixon, Kevin English and David Henry. Kevin English Came away with the win and gets my vote for the comeback of the year! When it came to the Big boys Kai Greene owned everyone by a landslide! one disturbing call was Craig Richardson in 5th. Check out the contest pics and see how bad he got screwed. This guy gets overlooked more than anyone! One more note, fellow SPECIES athlete Big Eugine Mishin came in at his best ever condition. For a big guy he had great lines and symmetry!
Over all it was a long but fun day, and I got to meet a lot of cool new people. I look forward to next years show When Evan Centopani makes his Pro Debut! Hopefully I will be up there with him!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

may 8

Yesterday was my usual day of rest and treatment from Dr. Mike. I was happy to tell Dr. Mike that I feel much better than usual and didn't need as much work. We worked on my stubborn left elbow for a while and also my Soas ( probably the most painful muscle to work on). Today I trained Back and some lite triceps. I did some heavy sets of underhand pull downs as well as some heavy underhand barbell rows and I can feel a little tendinitis flared up in my right forearm. I had a good workout, not a great one. Tomorrow I will be paring shoulders with biceps. I had to double up for Thursday and Friday, because I will be in the city all day on Saturday. Saturday is the NY Pro Bodybuilding championships at the Tribeca Performing Arts center. Species is sponsoring the women's show and I encourage everyone to come check it out. Species is having a big booth at the show that yours truly will be at all day. If you are a fan or friend in the area, come by and say hello. Its gonna be exciting!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

may 6

Great leg workout yesterday. I started out with a extra wide stance squat. I did 3 warm up sets, and then three heavy sets of 10 with very strict slow form going below parallel. Next I went on to the hack squat were I did 3 sets, ( 15, 12 and a heavy set of 6) followed by high rep leg press 3 sets of 30. I finished up with single leg leg extensions, I did an extra set with my left leg, because it is lagging behind the right one. We also blasted calves and abs yesterday. That workout really kicks my ass! Today is chest, I will be focusing mostly on incline movements this week. I will let you know how that goes tomorrow...Computer is finally fixed, so the blogs will be more steady now!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

may 3

I still haven't fixed my computer yet, but here is an update on whats going on. I had an all around decent week of training, highlighted by my shoulder routine on friday. I went up to 130lbs for 10 reps on the dumbbell shoulder press, then dropped down to 100 and got 24 reps. Today I went to Golds in New Haven for a Special Meeting. I have been chosen to be on the Committee, for Connecticut in the NPC. I am going to do a really big, in depth blog on this very soon so stay tuned. Big things are coming in CT! I trained arms after the meeting and had a great work out. I love training win Big Evan is in the house, he is the only guy that can really inspire me, just by standing there! I saw My boy Kenny Wallach, who is competing tomorrow at the New England Body building championships, my man is looking great! I expect him to do very well! After the meeting I shot over to Tommy K's in Stamford for one of Dave Palumbos Hardcore Seminars. The Seminars are very informative and I highly recommend checking one out to any body interested in really learning about the body, and maximizing your potential. Colette Nelson was in the house looking awesome! She is competing at the NY Pro, and looks way better than she did at the Arnold!

Finaly, I want to congratulate my friend Jeff Long on getting a contract with MD. Jeff is a monster and is only 24 years old!