Tuesday, December 18, 2007

dec 18

what a great leg workout i had yesterday. i bounced back from my horrible workout last week and really felt good yesterday. i think a big part of it has to be because i sat in the sauna for a little while before i worked out so i was nice and hot. i felt like i warmed up extra fast from raising my body's temp like that. in the winter time when its really cold, i need to be really warm otherwise my joints get really achy. today is a chest day. i will be training in brookfield. this may be my last workout at the brookfield powerhouse, the doors close for good on thursday nite. that place was my home away from home for a long time. more on that on another day. i promise to take some update pics today, i know its been a while, so stay tuned for some new pics!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ciaooo NICE BLOG!!!