Friday, October 5, 2007

oct 5

im starting out with a big shout out to my friend anthony at powerhouse gym in brewster. thanks for helping me with the pics this week! to all my members, ive got tons of training pics coming to the vip section, and anthony is the man taking most of them. for those of u in the west side of danbury, new fairfield or the brewster area, i highly recommend powerhouse gym in brewster. its located on top of the brewster ice arena, i train there all the time. just stop by and ask for anthony, tell him pj sent you! for those of u who tried voting for nicole on yesterday and had problems, please try again today! im getting closer to the big surgery day on tuesday, im a little bummed because i dont want to miss training. as ive said before, i havent missed more than a week in 8 years! im sure my body needs the rest. im gonna use the time to add some great new stuff to my website. i've been meeting some great new people via email! keep em coming i love to here from you, and i want to help you reach your goals! thats it for today, members let me know what u think of the olympia pics! talk to ya all tomorrow!

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