Wednesday, June 30, 2010

More Client success stories!

Congrats to my client Michelle Dileo who took 3rd in a very tough masters class and 3rd in a novice that we all thought she won at the INBF Hercules over the weekend!
Also check out my client Jillian Reville's training video at Jillian talks about the program we structured for her to improve her butt and hams for Team U! Its a very informative video!

I'm sick with a sinus infection. Had to get on antibiotics but its best I get this out of the way cus the diet is starting soon!

Friday, June 25, 2010


Good luck to my client James Webb competing in his first BB show tomorrow The West Coast Classic in California....Also Good luck to my client Michell Deleo Competing in her first Figure contest tomorrow the INBF HERCULES...And Finally good luck to My man Luke Badaracco trying to beat Ben White at the Pros VRS Joes tomorrow

Monday, June 21, 2010

Junior Nationals Weekend

Had a great time at Junior Nationals. Got to catch up with a bunch of friends and do some mild partying. It was a fun weekend! I trained at the famous QUADS gym in down town Chicago and boy was it AWESOME!!! Top 3 best gyms I have ever been to. I had some great workouts there!
The show was good, alot of competitors brought some serious condition and I M fired up for my own diet to start soon. I flew back very early Sunday morning so I could see my step day for fathers day. Today its back to the grind and a few more weeks of off season!
weight is 256.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Congrats to Stephanie Ney!

Congrats to my client Stephanie Ney who won the figure overall at the NPC CT state champ this weekend. She worked her ass off and deserved it!!!!!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Atlantic States

This Weekend is the Atlantic States Bodybuilding championships in NYC. This is another huge Bev Francis show that usually gets a very impressive turnout. I have two clients Competing: Stephanie Ney who will be in the figure medium class, and Marc Andrade who will be in the LT Heavies (if all goes according to plan) Both are set to do some serious damage and I am very excited about this. My client who one the OVERALL at the gulf coast, Shora Fiedler will be competing down in Florida again this weekend as well. I am very excited about all this!

As all ways I can be found at the SPECIES booth at the show so if your attending please come say hello!