Wednesday, August 27, 2008

aug 27

Well, I'm finally through with all the training, cardio and INTENSE dieting. All that's left now is to carb up, tan up, and dry out. I fly out to Cleveland this afternoon! I woke up this morning looking the best I have ever looked in my life. I am more ripped than last year and much bigger. Now its all up to the judges. Hopefully my carb up goes as planned and I can maintain my conditioning and really fill out!
I feel very fortunate to have an awesome family and group of friends and fans that have really supported me and made this journey worth while! Nothing ever breaks my drive and focus and my will is that of steal...a lot of that has to do with the people around me. My families love ans support is more than enough fuel to keep my inner fire burning. I cant wait to get on stage and battle on Friday nite. Keep me in your thoughts and send me some positive vibes. I will be back on Sunday nite!
Johnny, I have been thinking about you like crazy lately! I miss you soo much and I know your gonna be watching me from up there.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

New Updates!!!

My last set of Updates are up in the members section. Pics 5 days out!
Also The In The Trenches video I shot with mass monster Ben Pakulski is finally up on Go to the site and click on MDTV and then check out, in the trenches, ours is the first one up. You can see us blasting legs out in Venice back in January. The interview is pretty good. Check it out!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

aug 25

5 more days until I get onstage. My weight is still comfortably dropping about a half a lb a day at this point. I am very rundown, but I am in the home stretch. At the most I will have to stay on Protein and Veggies for 3 more days and with cardio being finished today and tomorrow being my last workout, I can handle it. Today I am going to try to take it as easy as I can, I actually just woke up from a little power nap as I write this! Its hard for me to sleep at nite because I wake up to pee about every 1-2 hours. My skin is getting very thin and my vascularity is pretty freaky- Two good signs of a very low level of body fat!

Friday, August 22, 2008

aug 22

Well, I am officially 1 week out from the North American Championships! By this time next week, I will probubly know If I am gonna be in the finals or not! Yesterday, Tony Monchinski, a photographer who shoots for Muscle Mag international came to my gym to follow me around taking shots of me training back. When we were finished he took some shots of me posing. I will let you know when I have the copies of the shots.
Today I went to see Dave (Palumbo) so he could assess my body in person for the first time in a month. Usually we just do it over the Internet with pics, but now that I am so close I really wanted him to see what I look like moving, rather then a crappy digital photo. Dave seemed pretty pleased with were I am at, so I just have to keep trucking forward. If I can Improve just a little each day over this next week, I will be ON!
I'm tired but I know this is what I have to do to be the best!!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

New Updates!!!

New Updates are up in the members section! 10 days out from the North American championship! Be sure to check them out and send me an Email!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

aug 20

Today I was off from the weights, but I still had Cardio and I also went to New Haven to practice posing with my coach Kenny Wallach for an hour. My routine is looking really cool and I really hope that I am in the finals and so I can get a chance to display what I have been working on. Only top 5 in each weight class get to come back and pose on Saturday nite! After I posed I went to Physical Synergy in Fairfield to get some ART treatment. My body is doing pretty good for this stage in the game and hopefully that does not change over the next week. Last year I was in a tremendous amount of pain when I was training and posing, so its nice to not have to worry about that! New Updates are coming soon and there is another thread in the Forum on MD going on about me now, so be sure to check that out!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

aug 19

Had a great last heavy leg work out yesterday. I managed to still handle 405 for 8 on the squat, but couldn't get more than 405 for sets of 6 with my dead lifts. I was getting very lite headed and started to feel like I was going to faint. The rest of the workout went very smooth! I plan on hitting legs again on Friday, but mostly just machines and lunges. Then I wanna stay off them as much as possible until the show!

Monday, August 18, 2008

aug 18

Pretty good weekend for me. Saturday I blasted arms in the am. I was really pumped and vascular when I finished despite just eating protein and veggies. Sunday, Nicole and I went to Jones Beach. I love going to Jones beach, or just the beach in general. I hadn't been to Jones all summer so we decided to spend the day together relaxing at the beach. We really couldn't have asked for better weather.Today I'm back in the gym for legs, I'm gonna go all out today because this will be the last "real" Leg workout I do before the show!

Sunday, August 17, 2008


I have 3 new sets of pictures up in my members VIP section. 2 sets of progress pics 2 weeks out, one set was done earlier in the week, the other was done Saturday morning outside my house. The 3rd set is in my gallery section. I did a charity fund raiser for E.C.A.D., a company that supplies and trains seeing eye dogs. The pictures are pretty funny, go check them out!

Friday, August 15, 2008

2 weeks out!

I am officially 2 weeks out! I feel great so far, prep is going really well! I have had an unlucky streak of events lately, but I have managed to stay focused and keep driving forward. Dieting is getting harder now, but that's what you get yourself into when you decide you want to be the best. You have to be willing to suffer!
There is a cool thread going on about me in the NO BULL section of the forum on I encourage all my family, friends and fans to go check it out. There are some recent shots of me and everyone is being very positive with there comments!
Stay tuned for more updates soon!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

aug 12

Don't try this at home!! I am going to share the leg workout I did yesterday with all of you, because it caused me to wake up in the middle of the nite with excruciating cramps in both hams and both quads! I started off by supersetting Lying ham curls with leg extensions, 4 sets, the first was more of a warm up though. Then I went on to doing squats with a pause. This is when you sit in the "hole" and don't move for a full second, then drive your heals into the floor and move the weight! I did 2 lite sets, followed by 3 sets of 10 and 2 sets of 6. I was kinda lightheaded at that point. Then I did 3 sets of Stiff Leg Dead lifts with Dumbells. THEN I supersetted walking lunges with Hack squats, 3 brutal sets. From there I did 3 sets of high rep (25-30) standing single leg ham curls. And finally I did 2 sets each abduction and adduction on the Nautilus machine. I may have over trained, lol! See what happens when the judges tell you to bring up your legs, lol! Don't try this at home.

Hi Gramma Lynn! wink wink.

Monday, August 11, 2008


Brand new updates are up in my members section. Pics of me on Saturday morning. Three weeks out! Come and check them out!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

aug 6

3.5 weeks left until I get on stage! The time is starting to really fly by now! I am very happy with where I am at currently and have a great game plan going into the show! Today I worked on the choreography to my routine with Master poser Kenny Wallach. I am really excited with what we came up with so far! I also went for my weekly ass kicking session with Dr. Mike. Usually my ART sessions are pretty painful, but I am fortunate that my body is holding up pretty well at this point!

HUGE CONGRATULATIONS!!!- My good buddy Rodney Roller's wife gave birth this morning to a 9lb 6oz baby boy, Cody Martin! Contgrats to Rodney and his wife!

Monday, August 4, 2008


New updates are up in my members section. Pics I took on Saturday, exactly 4 weeks out from show time! I have been so busy lately, I could really use a breather. Sunday and today I was in Manhattan shooting some crazy photos with Mika Rottenberg for W Magazine. The pics are gonna blow you guys away when you see them. Today was the best leg work out I have had in a Loooooooong time!! I'm still as strong as ever, getting more ripped day by day! Enjoy the new updates, and feel free to send me an Email with some feed back!